
日期:12-31| http://www.59wj.com |英语|人气:619


    1. Easy: Your letter to promote the language must be concise, not wordy Rory. Because a lot of foreign businessmen do not have much patience, if you promote the first letter very lengthy letter esoteric terminology, they simply will not read, the results are often dealt with as spam. Professional: in the message must indicate that you are a professional company with professional products and professional sales and after-sales staff, you write the e-mail is not easy to put you together with your professional and basic courtesy are also omitted lost in the mail must be attached at the end of your contact details, including your name, position, company name, phone, fax, E-mail address, URL and company address information content, give each other a very formal impression. Appropriate: in fact the most appropriate not easy! Buyers want good products and people to deal with, if you write the first letter of closure when it made many mistakes in the promotion, one look is layman, buyers will think you are not real manufacturer, or not familiar with the product, it may be gone. This is the beginning of my article Why Writing messages emphasize the background of clients before the understanding and analysis of the importance of customers, because if you are on the client is not know, write a letter of promotion is very likely amounts. Clear: we must make full use of the advantages of e-mail transmission of images, so better able to explain the problem, but can also reduce costs, with the aid of diagrams the effect of the language than simple chatter more directly. In addition, messages sent before, it is necessary to carefully check about whether or not the spelling or grammar errors, put as much as possible may give others a bad impression to minimize. clarity of the message is a success.

  There is also that in the first letter promotion letter is issued, the constant and careful tracking of customers is also very important, even if customers do not have intention to buy, but because you are from the regular track, customers would have impressed you, once he purchase similar products have demand for the one time thought of you, but even if the customer does not have intention to buy, he would recommend to his friend.简单:你推广信的语言一定要简练,不要罗里罗嗦.因为很多外国商人没有多少耐心,如果你的第一封推广信无比冗长用词深奥,他们根本不会读下去,其结果是往往当作垃圾邮件处理了.专业:在邮件中一定要表明你们是专业的公司,拥有专业的产品和专业的销售及售后人员,你写的邮件简单并不是也要你一并把你的专业和基本的礼仪也省略掉了,在邮件的末尾一定要附上你详细的联系方式,包括你的姓名、职位、公司名、电话、传真、E-mail地址、网址和公司地址等信息内容,给对方一个很正规的印象.恰当:恰当其实是最不容易的!买家总希望和精通产品的人打交道,如果你在写第一封推广信时就错误百出,一看就是外行,买家会认为你不是真正的生产厂家,或者对产品并不熟悉,很可能就一去不回.这也是在文章开始我为什么会强调写邮件前对客户背景的了解和对客户的分析的重要性,因为如果你对这个客户一点都不了解,写出的推广信很可能就是言之无物.清晰:一定要充分利用电子邮件传递图片的优势,这样更能说明问题,同时也可以降低成本,图文并茂的效果会比单纯语言喋喋不休来得更直接.另外,发出邮件之前,要仔细的再检查一下,有无拼写或语法错误,尽量把可能给别人的不良印象减到最小.清晰明了才是一封成功的邮件.


本文Tags: 国际商务师考试 - 商务师业务外语 - 英语,gjsws,