
日期:04-04| http://www.59wj.com |英语口译、笔译|人气:115

  challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. the 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability.
  across the world, water-based ecological systems - rivers, lakes and watersheds - have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over- exploitation.
  we need a new model of water management for the 21st century. what does that mean? for starters, we have to stop using water like there"s no tomorrow - and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. the buzz- phrase at the mexico water forum is "integrated water resource management." what it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest.
  二级笔译实务topic 1
  john keh galbraith, the iconoclastic economist, teacher and diplomat, died saturday at a hospital in cambridge, massachusettshe was 97.
  mr. galbraith was one of the most widely read authors in the history of economics; among his 33 books was "the affluent society" (1958), one of those rare works that forces a nation to re-examine its values. he wrote fluidly, even onplex topics, and many of hispelling phrases — among them "the affluent society," "conventional wisdom" and "countervailing power" — became part of the language.
  an imposing presence, lanky and angular at 6 feet 8 inches tall, mr. galbraith was consulted frequently by national leaders, and he gave advice freely, though it may have been ignored as often as it was taken. mr. galbraith clearly preferred taking issue with the conventional wisdom he distrusted.
  mr. galbraith, a revered lecturer for generations of harvard students, nheless alwaysmanded attention.
  from the 1930"s to the 1990"s mr. galbraith helped define the terms of the national political debate, influencing both the direction of the democratic party and the thinking of its leaders.
  he tutored adlai e. stevenson, the democratic nominee for president in 1952 and 1956, on keynesian economics. he advised president john f. kennedy (often over lobster stew at the locke-ober restaurant in their beloved boston) and served as his ambassador to india.
  though he eventually broke with president lyndon b. johnson over the war in vietnam, he helped conceive of mr. johnson"s great society program and wrote a major presidential address that outlined its purposes. in 1968, pursuing his opposition to the war, he helped senator eugene j. mccarthy seek the democratic nomination for president.

  at his death, mr. galbraith was the emeritus professor of economics at harvard, where he had taught for most of his career. a popular lecturer, he treated economics as an aspect of society and culture rather than as an arcane discipline of numbers.

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