雅思口语高分秘笈:如何让你的part one抓人耳朵

日期:12-15| http://www.59wj.com |心得技巧|人气:578

雅思口语高分秘笈:如何让你的part one抓人耳朵 对于大多数考生而言,应该是比较容易的啦。但是,如果想要拿个7分以上的口语分数,在第一部分中,除了简单的扩展(当然语音语调、流利度、语法等都不错基础上)以外,还应该使自己的回答更加地道些。因为只有这样才能使自己脱颖而出,口语是看整体水平的哦……(甚至有时候外表打扮都会给你加些印象分的,毕竟考官也是人……)千万不要忽视第一部分的作用!!

  好吧,我们就来谈谈如何包装我们的Part One, 当然,Part 1 所有答案加起来有4-5个精彩句子,7-9个精彩的小词,就已经不错了,其余的只需要很平淡就好了。好比化妆,淡妆是最合适不过的,如果妆太浓,就是给人想呕的感觉,正常,疲劳一天的考官,如果听到的是“武装到牙齿”的答案,你的回答必然是他的“催吐剂”!



  1 用pretty 代替 very : This book is pretty interesting.

  2 用adore 代替like sb so much : I adore that singer. ( 但是,这个词最好别乱用,因为这个词有“爱慕”的意思。如果你对普通的同性说这话,很有可能会让别人冒冷汗哦,呼呼……)

  3 … as well 代替 too : I am crazy about shopping as well .

  4 用a bunch of 代替some : I have a bunch of amazing books.

  5 用…would be the last thing I want to do . 代替 I don’t like sth.

   Cooking would be the last thing I want to do ."

  6 用folks 代替 people 或parents



  Speaking of (this question) ,

  Mentioning (this question),

  In term of (this question),

  When it comes to (this question),

  As far as (this question) is concerned,


  1 I am really into …… 我做某事很在行。

  2 sth can spice my day up. 做这件事我很高兴。

  3 sth can exert my potential into full play……做某事让我的潜能发挥到极致

  4 I am crazy about ……


  1 sleep in 睡懒觉 Most often , I sleep in on Saturday.

  2 burn out=be worn out 累坏了 I will be worn out if I’ve the overtime work.

  3 let…down 让某人失望 His performance let me down.

  4 figure out=understand 理解 I quite figure out your words.



  1 can’t be beat= is the best Speaking of nightlife, Shanghai can’t be beat

  2 be over my head= is hard to understand This essay is over my head.

  3 pricey= expensive This staff is pricey.

  4 decent=quite good The meal in the restaurant is decent,

  5 let off steam =release pressure I often play the badminton to let off steam

  以上都是一些让 Part One 更加精彩的一些地道用语,希望各位烤鸭能够多多体会,使自己的答案语言更加漂亮,给考官留下很好的第一印象。


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