五年级英语作文:My Busy Weekend

日期:04-29| http://www.59wj.com |英语作文|人气:321

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  I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I am going to climb mountains. After lunch , I am going to the supermarket with my parents. We want to buy some candies and milk. In the evening, I am going to watch TV with my father .That’s my happy time.

  On Sunday morning, I’m going to the bookstore by car. I want to buy a story- book. Because I like reading. In the afternoon, my sister and I are going to visit my grandparents. We are going to clean their room together. We’re helpful. Then, we’re .going home at 5p.m.

  I will be very busy on the weekend, but I think I will be happy.

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