小学英语作文:我的家庭My family

日期:11-09| http://www.59wj.com |英语作文|人气:517

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  第四章:我的家庭My family


  第一段开头句:There are four people in my family.

  第二段开头句:In my family I love my puppy best.

  第三段开头句:I love my family very much.

  Peter 的文章:

  Including me,there are four people in my family:my dad, mom,and my older sister .My family is a small family,and we also have a puppy.It's name is baby.

  In my family, I love my puppy best. because daddy and mom do not have time to play with me ,and my older sister has to go to school,so I always talk to baby while they are out.

  I love my family very much,so I hope daddy and mom will not be so busy and they will have more time to stay at home.I think baby also wants them to stay at home longer.

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