深圳大运会英语口语 Greetings 问候

日期:11-28| http://www.59wj.com |英语作文|人气:627

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  Greetings  问候
  Dialogue 1
  S:    Hello, I'm Yang, an employee of Shenzhen Metro Line 3. Nice to meet you!
  P:    Hello, My name is Peter. Nice to meet you, too.
  S:    Where are you from?                       你来自哪里?
  P:    I'm from the USA.                         我来自美国。
  S:    Welcome to Shenzhen.                      欢迎来到深圳!
  P:    Thank you. It's great to be here.               谢谢,能到这儿太好了。
  S:    Have you ever been to Shenzhen before?        之前来过深圳吗?
  P:    Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. I am going to see the Universiade events this time.
  有/没有, 我这次是来看大运会比赛的。
  S:    Hope you enjoy your stay here!               祝您在深圳玩得愉快!
  P:    Thank you.                                谢谢!
  Dialogue 2
  S:    Is this your first time visiting Shenzhen?             你这是第一次来深圳吗?
  P:    Yes. Is it easy to get around?                      是啊,附近交通方便吗?
  S:    I think so. You can get anywhere by metro or by bus. It is convenient.
  P:    It's really great that we've got a metro system. Shenzhen is too crowded.
  S:    Yes, it's a lot faster than taking the bus.             
  Dialogue 3
  P:     Hey, Yang, I am leaving this afternoon.           
  S:     Hi, Peter. Have a good trip. Welcome to Shenzhen again!
  P:     I will. The metro system in Shenzhen is great, and the people are all very nice. I hope to see you again.   
  S:     Thank you very much. See you and take care.     

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