六年级英语作文:Computer and I

日期:06-01| http://www.59wj.com |英语作文|人气:183

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  I want to have a computer for a long time. My father will buy me anything about my study, but only not computer. He thinks computer is bad for my study. If he bought me one, I would just take all my time to play computer games.

  I like Friday best, because I have computer class on that day. Although I have only one computer class in a week, I look forward to it and value it all the time. In my computer class, I have learned drawing and typing on computers.

  One time, I went to play computer and then I told a lie. On that day, I went to my friend’s house to play computer. When I went home, my father asked me where did I go. I just told him I did homework with friends. Am I still an honest child?

  In my father’s eyes, computer is like that fish in my childhood. He afraid I will be hurt by the fish bones. But he doesn’t know although there are fish bones, fish is also delicious and nutritious. How can I give up eating fish because of the bones?

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