小学英语作文:The birthday present

日期:10-31| http://www.59wj.com |英语作文|人气:692

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  The best birthday present for me.

  I have many birthday presents and the mp3 player is the best birthday present for me.

  The mp3 player is the birthday present for my ninth birthday.

  I still use it to play my favourite songs.


  I have many birthday presents and the mp3 player is the best birthday present for me.I have a lot of good presents,for example:baseball gloves,sneakers,a bike and some cool toys.The most expensive one is the well-known brown sneakers and the biggest one is the bike.But I still like the mp3 player more than any of my other presents.

  The mp3 player is the birthday present for my ninth birthday.I remember my mother told me that she forgot my birthday and didn't prepare any presents for me.I was so sad and I thought she didn't love me any more.But the end of the dinner,mum and dad took out a big box and it was a new mp3 player.What a surprise!

  I still use it to play my favourite songs.I love it so much.I will never buy a new one.No present in the world is better than it.

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