
ÈÕÆÚ£º05-05| http://www.59wj.com |Ä£ÄâÌâ|ÈËÆø:591´Î


Part¢òVocabulary and Structure£¨20 minutes£©


Directions£ºThere are 30incomplete sentences in this part£®For each sentence there are four choices marked A£©£¬B£©£¬C£©and D£©£®Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence£®Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre£®


21£®The girl in the photo wears a broad smile£¬her wavy hair _______ over her shoulders£®






22£®Had she taken her doctor's advice£¬Mrs£®Marquis _______ £®

©ú©úA£©mustn't have died

©ú©úB£©might have been alive

©ú©úC£©couldn't die

©ú©úD£©might still be alive


23£®The car manufacturer has laid _______ 1£¬000workers because of the drop in sales£®






24£®John's outstanding performance in the competition proved that he was a _______ winner£®






25£®Nowhere else along the coast _______ such shallow water so far from land£®

©ú©úA£©is there

©ú©úB£©is it

©ú©úC£©there is

©ú©úD£©it is


26£®The War Office issued a list of the missing£¬and believed that the chances of finding them were _______£®






27£®Paul was so _______ about his baldness that he wore a hat£¬whether it was winter or summer£® ©ú©úA£©self-composed





28£®Sarah put in a special _______ for an extra day's holiday so that she could attend her friend's wedding£®






29£®Let us take care of the house while you are away£¬ _______ £¿

©ú©úA£©shan't we

©ú©úB£©shall we

©ú©úC£©will you

©ú©úD£©don't you


30£®The manager thought _______ the problem for three days before he finally made the decision£®







31£®Patrick has never learned a foreign language£¬_______£®

©ú©úA£©nor does he think he has to

©ú©úB£©neither he thinks he has to

©ú©úC£©he thinks he has not to£¬either

©ú©úD£©he doesn't think he has to


32£®It is heartening to see millions on the earth who had nothing but a record of misery and hunger _______ the chance to improve their life£®


©ú©úB£©to have


©ú©úD£©who have


33£®Mr£®White is over eighty£¬but he still _______ his position as chairman of the board and will not retire£®

©ú©úA£©goes in for

©ú©úB£©gets on with

©ú©úC£©falls back on

©ú©úD£©holds on to


34£®I can't find my gloves£®I must have _______ them on the bus when I came home from school£®






35£®I'm surprised at someone so rich _______ difficulty in paying what he owes you£®

©ú©úA£©as to have

©ú©úB£©who has no


©ú©úD£©that he has no


36£®The critics considered only the undesirable qualities in the artist's work£¬while ignoring or _______ the more desirable ones£®






37£®Within the last year£¬scientists have come closer than ever _______ £®

©ú©úA£©to deciding which of the questions is right

©ú©úB£©to decide which of the questions is right

©ú©úC£©deciding whether the question is right or not

©ú©úD£©and decided which of the questions is right


38£®Harvard University and MIT are _______ the fourth and fifth largest employers in the area£®






39£®You said the books were on the shelf£¬but _______ there£®

©ú©úA£©there was no one

©ú©úB£©there were none

©ú©úC£©there were no ones

©ú©úD£©was none


40£®Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be _______ controlled and modified£®






41£®I got caught in the traffic£» _______ I would have been here sooner£®






42£®Experts believe the large number of cancer cases in the area is _______ the new nuclear power station£®

©ú©úA£©resulted from

©ú©úB£©concerned about

©ú©úC£©related to

©ú©úD£©dependent on


43£®I'd just as soon _______ those important papers with you£®

©ú©úA£©that you won't take

©ú©úB£©your not taking

©ú©úC£©you didn't take

©ú©úD£©you don't take


44£®On New Year's Eve£¬there was a formwork _______ at the Town Square£®






45£®Irish weddings are almost _______ in this way for generations£®

©ú©úA£©to be celebrating

©ú©úB£©being celebrated

©ú©úC£©to have celebrated

©ú©úD£©to have been celebrated


46£®If reading is to accomplish anything than _______ time£¬it must be active£®






47£®The decision _______ £¬the next problem was how to make a good plan£®

©ú©úA£©has been made

©ú©úB£©were made

©ú©úC£©having been made



48£®The news£¬though not wholly bad£¬was so _______ that I could no longer concentrate on my work£®






49£®"I think Sam is very wise£®""No£¬he is _______ wise£®"

©ú©úA£©kinder than

©ú©úB£©as kind as

©ú©úC£©not so kind as

©ú©úD£©more kind than


50£®Mary has just bought herself _______ dress£®

©ú©úA£©an expensive blue cotton

©ú©úB£©a cotton blue expensive

©ú©úC£©a blue expensive cotton

©ú©úD£©a cotton expensive blue


Part¢ó Reading Comprehension£¨35minutes£©


Directions£ºThere are four passages in this part£® Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements£®For each of them there are four choices marked A£©£¬B£©£¬C£©and D£©£®You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre£®


Passage One


Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage£º


Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we"fit"in society£®As we go about our everyday lives£¬we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses£®For example£¬we must judge whether the person inthe library is a reader or a librarian£¬whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman£¬whether the unfamiliar person on our property is a thief or a meter reader£¬and so on£®


The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter and change throughout life£®Most of us can£¬at very high speed£¬assume the statuses that various situations require£®Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us£®This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation£®Although some of us find the task more difficult than others£¬most of us perform it rather effortlessly£®


A status has been compared to ready-made clothes£®Within certain limits the buyer choose style and fabric£®But an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince£®We must choose from among the clothing presented by fit£¬as well as by our pocketbook£®Having made a choice from minor adjustments£¬we tend to be limited to what the stores choice among them is limited£®


51£®In the first paragraph£¬the writer tells us that statuses can help us _______ £®

©ú©úA£©determine whether a person is fit fora certain job

©ú©úB£©behave appropriately in relation to other people

©ú©úC£©protect ourselves in unfamiliar situations

©ú©úD£©make friends with other people


52£®According to the writer£¬people often assume different statuses _______ £®

©ú©úA£©in order to identify themselves with others

©ú©úB£©in order to better identify others

©ú©úC£©as their mental processes change

©ú©úD£©as the situation changes


53£®The word"appraisal"most probably means _______£®






54£®In the last sentence of the second paragraph£¬the pronoun"it"refers to" _______"£®

©ú©úA£©fitting our actions to those of other people appropriately

©ú©úB£©identification of other people's statuses

©ú©úC£©selecting one's own statuses

©ú©úD£©constant mental process


55£®By saying that"an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince"£¬the writer means _______£®

©ú©úA£©different people have different styles of clothes

©ú©úB£©ready-made clothes may need alterations

©ú©úC£©statuses come ready made just like clothes

©ú©úD£©our choice of statuses is limited


Passage Two


Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage£º


What kind of human being will the future spaceman be£¿


Will he need bones of steel and powerful muscles to resist rocket thrust£¬the lungs of a glass blower£¬a mighty heart£¬the calmness of an acrobat£¬unconscious death urges£¬or a schizophrenic£¨»¼¾«Éñ·ÖÁÑÖ¢µÄ£©drove toward isolation£¿ Popular ideas of a spaceman tend to be funny composites of fiction and fact£®


A more realistic portrait emerges from the young science of bioastronautics£¬the newest and strangest of medical disciplines£®The astronaut may be described as a young man of high intelligence who is normal to an abnormal degree£®On earth he may well have been a high diver£¬high jumper£¬polevaulter£¬or acrobat£®He must be highly motivated£¬carefully trained£¬and he must want to come back£®


His heart and lungs must be healthy but need not be exceptionally developed£¬for his cabin will be pressurized£®Huge muscles may actually be disadvantageous£¬for he will have almost no way to get exercise£¬and he will find that the strength of a year-old child is adequate in theweightlessness of space£®A firm body and a short£¬ strong neck will help him to withstand£¨¿¹¾Ü£»¾­µÃÆð¡­£©the tremendous forces encountered at take-off£®Most important physically£¬his digestive system must be one that will not be upset by weightlessness£»he must not be subject to motion sickness£®


56£®All the following are popular beliefs about the future spaceman EXCEPT that _______ £®

©ú©úA£©faced with isolation£¬he is brave enough and not liable to go mad

©ú©úB£©he needs to have a strong death complex

©ú©úC£©he must have strong bones and powerful muscles

©ú©úD£©he must be cool-headed


57£®Which of the following is NOT be considered by the author as a more realistic image of the future spaceman£¿

©ú©úA£©He must have superior intelligence£®

©ú©úB£©He is young£®

©ú©úC£©He should have a strong desire to survive£®

©ú©úD£©He doesn't get upset easily£®


58£®Bioastronautics is mostly related to _______ £®


©ú©úB£©the science of medicine


©ú©úD£©disciplines and regulations


59£®"normal to an abnormal degree"£¨Para£®3£©means _______ £®

©ú©úA£©seemingly normal but actually abnormal

©ú©úB£©so ordinary that he is undistinguished in every way

©ú©úC£©extremely healthy£¬and there is nothing abnormal with him

©ú©úD£©so normal that no one believes it is true


60£®To the future spaceman£¬what is most physically important is that _______ £®

©ú©úA£©his vital capacity must be as great at a glass blower's

©ú©úB£©he must have a short and firm neck

©ú©úC£©his heart must be comparatively large

©ú©úD£©his digestive system should not be upset by weightlessness



Passage Three


Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage£º


With fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste£®The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dumps would be made into something useful£®Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else£®


The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out£®The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city£®This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel£¬lead and copper£¬but also paper and rubber as well£®


Another new project is being setup to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish£®When this project is complete£¬the rubbish will be processed like this£ºFirst£¬it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed£»then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids£»after that founders and rollers will break up everything that can be broken£®Finally£¬the rubbish will pass under magnets£¨´ÅÌú£©£¬which will remove the bits of iron and steel£»the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage£®


The first full-scale giant recycling plants are perhaps fifteen years away£®Indeed£¬with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps£¬some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long£®


61£®The phrase"should be well on with..."£¨Para£®1£©most probably means _______ £®

©ú©úA£©have completed what was started

©ú©úB£©get ready to start

©ú©úC£©have achieved a great deal in

©ú©úD£©put an end to


62£®What is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process described in paragraph 3£¿

©ú©úA£©Breaking up whatever is breakable£®

©ú©úB£©Sharpening metal bars£®

©ú©úC£©Separating light elements from the heavy ones£®

©ú©úD£©Sorting out small pieces of metal£®


63£®What's the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants£¿

©ú©úA£©To deal with wastes in a better way£®

©ú©úB£©To protect the environment from pollution£®

©ú©úC£©To get raw materials locally£®

©ú©úD£©To get big profits from those plants£®


64£®The first full-scale huge recycling plants _______ £®

©ú©úA£©began to operate fifteen years ago

©ú©úB£©will probably take less than fifteen years to build

©ú©úC£©will be built fifteen years later

©ú©úD£©will probably be in operation in fifteen years


65£®The passage is mainly about _______ £®

©ú©úA£©a cheap way to get energy

©ú©úB£©the location of recycling plants

©ú©úC£©new ways of recycling wastes

©ú©úD£©the probability of city environment


Passage Four


Questions 66to 70are based on the following passage£º


Do you remember last summer£¬when furious travelers were pounding on Congress to do something about airline customer service£¿Airlines promised to improve£¬and they adopted new standards just before Christmas£®But as another summer nears£¬plenty of experienced travelers don't see much improvement in customer service overall£®


This month£¬the Department of Transportation's£¨DOT£©inspector general's office will issue its first critical article on whether airlines are honoring their promises£®One survey suggests problems£ºThe number of complaints to the DOT about the top 10 airlines in the first quarter soared 89£¥from a year ago£®


Hit last summer by passenger complaints and the threat of consumer-protection laws by Congress£¬14 carriers voluntarily agreed to adopt a set of basic customer-service standards called Customers First£®From immediate refunds to truthful reservation agents to toilets that flush during onboard delays£¬the"12 commitments" to passengers were introduced as a major effort to improve service£®Since then£¬airlines have been redesigning websites£¬retraining employees and upgrading technology£®


Recently£¬DOT inspector general Kenneth Mead£¬at McCain's request£¬sent 20 examiners to airports to document whether each airline is doing what it promised£¬Mead cautions travelers shouldn't expect too much£®Most of the promises are aimed at better communication with customers£¬not problems free flights£®


"We think passengers£¬both business and leisure£¬perceive travel as more of a quarrel these days£¬"spokeswoman Shelly Sasson says£®"Some of this is perception£¬but a lot is reality£®""And when improvements are made£¬it takes a long time for them to be noticed"£¬she says£®


Now£¬the efforts may be working£®During the first quarter£¬Delta had the second-lowest rate of complaints among the top 10carriers£®Still£¬its rate£¬along with other carriers'£¬is up from last year£®McCain and other lawmakers say new consumer protection laws aren't out of the question if the industry's voluntary program doesn't work£®


66£®The passage tells us that _______ £®

©ú©úA£©passenger complaints increase though airlines have taken steps to improve air service

©ú©úB£©passenger complaints decrease for airlines have taken steps to improve air service

©ú©úC£©air service has been improved greatly though it is hard to notice by passengers

©ú©úD£©air service needs improving badly as the results of passenger complaints


67£®Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage £¿

©ú©úA£©Government has sent officials to check any improvement the air service airlines have made£®©ú©úB£©Some people suggest passengers show more understanding to airlines about their efforts to better air service£®

©ú©úC£©To improve air service doesn't mean that there will no longer be any deficiencies in air traveling£®

©ú©úD£©It is thought that passengers should be patient when they are waiting for any improvement made by airlines£®


68£®Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the sentence"Some of this is perception£¬but a lot is reality£®"£¿£¨Para£®5£©

©ú©úA£©Some people's complaints about air service are rather subjective£¬but most people's are fairly objective£®

©ú©úB£©When people travel by air£¬they usually quarrel£¬which is a fact passengers all see£®

©ú©úC£©Some people take a biased view on air service because they don't see facts£®

©ú©úD£©Most people saw facts£¬but a few people failed£®


69£®The author has written the last paragraph mainly to mean _______ £®

©ú©úA£©the rate of complaints is going up in all airlines in spite of the efforts they made

©ú©úB£©improvements some airlines have made are not effective£¬which leads to more complaints

©ú©úC£©there may be a need to pass laws to improve airline customers service

©ú©úD£©some people are too aggressive when complaining about air service though airlines have made great efforts on it


70£®In paragraph 1£¬the phrase"pounding on" means" _______"£®

©ú©úA£©striking at



©ú©úD£©soundings with loud noises


Part IV Cloze£¨15 minutes£©


Directions£ºThere are 20 blanks in the following passage£®For each blank there are four choices marked A£©£¬B£©£¬C£©and D£©£®You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage£®Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre£®


AIDS threatens not only lives but also- in poor countries-economic development£®By©ú©ú71©ú©úmainly at adults 20 to 49 years old£¬ AIDS robbs these societies©ú©ú72©ú some of their most productive citizens£®Ignorance and fear of disease the can disrupt families and communities and may even©ú©ú73©ú political relations between nations£®


Because AIDSis a worldwide epidemic£¨´«È¾²¡£¬Á÷Ðв¡£©£¬nothing©ú©ú74©ú than a worldwide effort can control and perhaps some day wipe the disease£®Governments must©ú©ú75©ú by fully informing their citizens©ú©ú76©ú the epidemic and£¬most important£¬by telling people©ú©ú77©ú actions they can take to prevent infection£¨¸ÐȾ£©£®Public health agencies must also insure that blood transfusions£¨ÊäѪ£© and©ú©ú78©ú are safe£®Those already infected should receive©ú©ú79©ú attention so they do not spread the virus to others£®


©ú 80©ú £¬the U£®S£®government has committed more than two billion dollars to fight©ú©ú81©ú AIDS in 1989-including more than 600million dollars for research£®The screening of blood©ú©ú82©ú has already ensured the safety of blood supplies in the U£®S£®£¬and American military personnel are required to take©ú©ú83©ú©úblood tests£®Public health groups have carried©ú©ú84©ú AIDS education programs aimed particularly at homosexuals£¬©ú 85©ú addicts£¬and others whose behavior makes them highly sus- ceptible£¨Ò×ÊÜÓ°ÏìµÄ£©©ú 86©ú the virus£® U£®S£®government agencies are also©ú©ú87©ú©úpublic health authorities throughout the developing world in their efforts to©ú©ú88©ú the spread of the AIDS virus and to treat those afflicted with the disease£®©ú 89©ú the rapid spread of the disease and the number of people now infected£¬the battle against AIDS will bedifficult to win£®But it's a battle the world cannot©ú©ú90©ú to lose£®


71£®A£©striking©ú©ú B£©sticking©ú©ú©úC£©stirring©ú©ú D£©stinging


72£®A£©from©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©for©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú C£©of©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú D£©off


73£®A£©promote©ú©ú©úB£©destroy©ú©ú©ú C£©strengthen©ú©úD£©strain


74£®A£©less©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©more©ú©ú©ú©ú©úC£©rather©ú©ú©ú©úD£©better




76£®A£©on©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©against©ú©ú©ú C£©about©ú©ú©ú©ú©úD£©over




78£®A£©indications©úB£©introductions C£©infections©ú©ú D£©injections


79£®A£©direct©ú©ú©ú B£©immediate©ú©ú C£©vertical©ú©ú©ú D£©straight


80£®A£©At©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©For©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú C£©In©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú D£©On




82£®A£©devotions©ú©úB£©donations©ú©ú C£©delegations©ú©úD£©dedications


83£®A£©occasional©ú B£©ordinary©ú©ú©úC£©traditional©ú©úD£©regular


84£®A£©over©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©out©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú C£©on©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú D£©off


85£®A£©drug©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©medicine©ú©ú©úC£©drink©ú©ú©ú©ú©úD£©tea


86£®A£©at©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©for©ú©ú©ú©ú©ú C£©against©ú©ú©ú©úD£©to


87£®A£©assorting©ú©úB£©resisting©ú©ú C£©insisting©ú©ú©úD£©assisting


88£®A£©protect©ú©ú©úB£©fight©ú©ú©ú©ú C£©combat©ú©ú©ú©ú D£©deal




90£®A£©face©ú©ú©ú©ú B£©confront©ú©ú©úC£©afford©ú©ú©ú©ú D£©meet



Part V Writing£¨30 minutes£©


Directions£ºFor this part£¬you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic To Be Busy Or To Be Idle £®You should write at least 100words£¬and base your composition on the outline£¨given in Chinese£©below£º










Part II Vocabulary and Structure


21£®C 22£®D 23£®D 24£®B 25£®A 26£®D 27£®B 28£®D 29£®C 30£®C 31£®A 32£®C 33£®D 34£®A 35£®C 36£®B37£®A 38£®B39£®B40£®A 41£®D 42£®C 43£®C 44£®D 45£®D 46£®B 47£®C 48£®A49£®D 50£®A


Part III Reading Comprehension


51£®B 52£®D 53£®C 54£®A 55£®D 56£®A 57£®D 58£®B 59£®B60£®D 61£®C 62£®B63£®A 64£®D 65£®C 66£®A 67£®D 68£®A69£®C 70£®B


Part IV Cloze


71£®A 72£®C 73£®D 74£®A 75£®A 76£®C 77£®B 78£®D 79£®B80£®B81£®C 82£®B83£®D 84£®B85£®A 86£®D 87£®D 88£®C 89£®D 90£®C


Part V Writing£¨For reference only£©


To Be Busy Or To Be Idle


Many people we know prefer to live a busy life£® They enjoy making tight schedules and doing everything in a hurry£®They simply like the feeling of being totally engaged in their work£®They often stick to one principle£º work hard and play hard£®


Still£¬there are other people who find greatfun in an idle life£®They hate to hurry all the time£¬arguing that they take their time just to reach high efficiency£®In fact£¬ mostofthem are productive despite their loose schedules£¬ and only a few live a non productive life£®Feeling empty at heart£¬they killtime in various ways£®


I agree with the work£­hard£­and£­play£­hard principle because only in this way can we complete our work in time and be able to relax after a good days work

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