
日期:12-25| http://www.59wj.com |外贸外语模拟试题|人气:736


Ⅷ. Check the following letter of credit and make necessary amendments according to the contract terms in Ⅶ(15%)

Bank A

Date: 1 June, 1988

To: Bank of China, Beijing

We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.9876543 in favour of Canada Food Corp., Vancouver for account of China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corp. up to an amount of CA$ 3,000.00 CIF Vancouver (Say Canadian Dollars Three Thousand Only), for 110% of the invoice value relative to the shipment of: Canned Strawberry Jam 100 cartons (each 50 cans). As per Contract SC-3, from Vancouver, Canada to China port Drafts to be drawn at sight on our bank and accompanied by the following documents, marked "X": ......

Partial Shipments permitted.

Transshipment permitted.

Shipment must be effected not later than 31 August 1988.

This L/C is valid at our counter until 5 September 1988.

For Bank A

Ⅸ. 附加题:(在做完前面八大题后再做附加题。此题10分,不计入总分,仅作参考。)Translate the following letter into English.

5月6日来函中提到你公司AD-2号订单项下3000箱药材 (Herbs)运抵到港时,发现50箱变质,对此,我们甚感遗憾。我公司经营出口药材多年,药材于出口前均经严格检验,在国际市场上享有盛誉。但如经证实我公司对货物受损负有责任,我们总是乐于赔偿。但是,对这一事件我们必须指出,清洁提单中已注明:货物装船时状态良好。因此, 建议你公司向有关船公司提出索赔。如你公司需向我方再购50箱,以补足变质部分,请即通知,我公司很愿照办。


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